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:Yuan Zhenga, Seppo Törmäb, Olli Seppänena, "[ A shared ontology suite for digital construction workflow]", ''Automation in Construction'', Volume 132, December 2021, 103930.
:Yuan Zhenga, Seppo Törmäb, Olli Seppänena, "[ A shared ontology suite for digital construction workflow]", ''Automation in Construction'', Volume 132, December 2021, 103930.
==Articles: 2023==
==Articles: 2024==
:Fatigue Test Ontology (FTO)
:Cognitive Digital Twin (CDT) ontology framework
:Maintenance Motion State Sequence Ontology (MMSSO)
:Printing Information Modelling Ontology (PIM-O)
:Industry 4.0 Field Device (I40FD) ontology
:NIMS Polymer Database (PoLyInfo) Ontology

=='''Comparative Studies'''==
=='''Comparative Studies'''==

Revision as of 12:33, 4 July 2024

Articles: 2008-2018

Eric Little, Joseph Eberle, Fred Turino, Utilizing Ontologies for Petrochemical Applications, Stefano Borgo and Leonardo Lesmo (eds.), Formal Ontologies Meet Industry, (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volume 174), 2008, 22-32.
Francesco Furini, Rahul Rai, Barry Smith, Georgio Colombo & Venkat Krovi, Development of a Manufacturing Ontology for Functionally Graded Materials, Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Stefan Suwelack, Markus Stoll, Manuel Serf, Nikola Bursac, Albert Albers, Rolf Bendl, Rüdiger Dillmann and Stefanie Speidel, Towards Cognitive Computer Aided Engineering, Conference, Proceedings of the International Association for the Engineering Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Community, NAFEMS Americas Conference, June 2016.
Ana Correia, Dragan Stokic, Rebecca Siafaka, Sebastian Scholze, Ontology for Collaborative Development of Product Service Systems based on Basic Formal Ontology, 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC).
Thomas J. Hagedorn, Sundar Krishnamurty & Ian R. Grosse, A Knowledge-Based Method for Innovative Design for Additive Manufacturing Supported by Modular Ontologies, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 18(2), 021009 (Mar 19, 2018).
Lucas Mesmer & Andrew Olewnik, Enabling Supplier Discovery Through a Part-Focused Manufacturing Process Ontology, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 31(1), 2018, 87-100.
Damiano Arena, Farhad Ameri, Dimitris Kiritsis, Skill Modelling for Digital Factories, IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems. APMS 2018: Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0, 2018, 318-326.
Mary Bone, Mark Blackburn, Benjamin Kruse, John Dzielski, Thomas Hagedorn and Ian Grosse, Toward an Interoperability and Integration Framework to Enable Digital Thread, Systems, 2018, 6(4), 46;

Articles: 2019

Douglas Orellana and William Mandrick, The Ontology of Systems Engineering: Towards a Computational Digital Engineering Semantic Framework, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 153, 2019, 268-276.
Munira Mohd Ali, Rahul Rai, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith, A Product Life Cycle Ontology for Additive Manufacturing, Computers in Industry vol. 105, 2019, 191-203.
J. Neil Otte, Dimitris Kiritsis, Munira Binti Mohd Ali, Ruoyu Yang, Binbin Zhang, Ron Rudnicki, Rahul Rai, Barry Smith, An Ontological Approach to Representing the Product Life Cycle, Applied Ontology, vol. 14, no. 2, 2019, 155-177.
Hedi Karray, Farhad Ameri, Melinda Hodkiewicz, Thierry Louge, ROMAIN: Towards a BFO compliant reference ontology for industrial maintenance, Applied ontology, vol. 14, no. 2, 2019, 179-197.
Thomas J. Hagedorn, Barry Smith, Sundar Krishnamurty, Ian Grosse, Interoperability of disparate engineering domain ontologies using Basic Formal Ontology, Journal of Engineering Design, June 2019, 30(4):1-30.
Hyunmin Cheong, Adrian Butscher, Physics-based simulation ontology: an ontology to support modelling and reuse of data for physics-based simulation, Journal of Engineering Design, 23 July 2019.
Farhad Ameri, Boonserm Kulvatunyou, A Supply Chain Reference Ontology based on Basic Formal Ontology, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE, 2019.
Damiano Nunzio Arena, Manuel Oliva, Ignacio Eguia, Carmelo Del Valle, Dimitris Kiritsis, Semantic Model-Driven PLM Data Interoperability: An Application for Aircraft Ground Functional Testing with Eco-Design Criteria, APMS 2019: Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future, Springer, 2019, 299-306.
Lindsay Portelli, Matthew Sabatini and Paul T. Grogan, Ontology Development for Knowledge-driven Distributed Space Mission Systems Engineering, AIAA 2019, 1032.
Arkopaul Sarkar, Dušan Šormaz, Ontology Model for Process Level Capabilities of Manufacturing Resources, Procedia Manufacturing, 2019, 39, 1889-1898.

Articles: 2020

Farhad Ameri, Evan Wallace, Boonserm Kulvatunyou, [ Towards a Reference Ontology for Supply Chain Management, Proceedings of the Workshops of I-ESA 2020, November 17, 2020, Tarbes, France (CEUR 2090).
Luan Fonseca Garcia, Mara Abel, Michel Perrin, Renatados Santos Alvarenga, The GeoCore ontology: A core ontology for general use in Geology, Computers & Geosciences, 135, February 2020, 104387.
Munira Mohd Ali, Mamadou Bilo Doumbouya, Thierry Louge, Rahul Rai, Mohamed Hedi Karray, Ontology-based approach to extract product’s design features from online customers’ reviews, Computers in Industry, 116, April 2020, 103175.
Zhuoy Huang, Casey Jowers, Ali Dehghan-Manshadia, Matthew S.Dargusch, Smart manufacturing and DVSM based on an Ontological approach, Computers in Industry, 117, May 2020, 103189.
Thomas Hagedorn, Mary Bone, Benjamin Kruse, Ian Grosse, Mark Blackburn, Knowledge Representation with Ontologies and Semantic Web Technologies to Promote Augmented and Artificial Intelligence in Systems Engineering, Insight, 23(1), March 2020, 15-20.
Joze M. Rozanec, Lu Jinzhi, Towards Actionable Cognitive Digital Twins for Manufacturing, Semantic Digital Twins (SeDiT 2020), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Digital Twins, Heraklion, Greece, June 3, 2020 (CEUR 2615).
Grace Sarogini Pease, Richard Sharpe, Lopik Katevan, Paul Goodall, Bob Young, Paul Conway, Andrew West, An interoperable semantic service toolset with domain ontology for automated decision support in the end-of-life domain, Future Generation Computer Systems, Available online 19 June 2020.
Munira Mohd Ali, Ruoyu Yang, Binbin Zhang, Francesco Furini, Rahul Rai, J. Neil Otte and Barry Smith, Enriching the Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) Ontology for digital manufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, Published online: 10 July 2020,
Martin Glauer, Meisam Booshehri, Lukas Emele, et al. The Open Energy Ontology,, December 2020
The Smart City Ontology 2.0, URENIO Research Discussion Papers, December 2020
S. Törmä, M. Kiviniemi, R. Lavikka, S. Kousouris, K. Tsatsakis, Towards BIM-Enhanced Renovation Management Tools with Support to Stakeholder Interaction. Proceedings, December 2020, 65, 15. See also DICO Digital Construction Ontologies.

Articles: 2021

M. N. Roelofs & Roelof Vos, "Automatically inferring technology compatibility with an ontology and graph rewriting rules", Journal of Engineering Design, 32 (2), 2021.
S. Dimassi, F. Demoly, C. Cruz et al. "An ontology-based framework to formalize and represent 4D printing knowledge in design", Computers in Industry, Volume 126, April 2021, 103374, doi:
Jože M. Rožanec, Jinzhi Lu, Jan Rupnik, Maja Škrjanc, Dunja Mladenić, Blaž Fortuna, Xiaochen Zheng, Dimitris Kiritsis, "Actionable Cognitive Twins for Decision Making in Manufacturing". arxiv, 2021
Leif Oppermann, Simon Hirzel, Alexander Güldner, Karoline Heiwolt, Joachim Krassowski, Ulrich Schade, Christoph Lange, Wolfgang Prinz, "Finding and Analysing Energy Research Funding Data: The EnArgus System", Energy and AI, 8 April 2021, 100070.
Eleni Tsalapati, James Tribe, Paul A. Goodall, Robert I. Young, Thomas W. Jackson, Andrew A. West "Enhancing RFID system configuration through semantic modelling, The Knowledge Engineering Review, 36, (2021) E11.
J. Gregory, M.H. Nair, G. Bullegas, M.C. Saaj, "Using Semantic Systems Engineering Techniques to Verify the Large Aperture Space Telescope Mission–Current Status", Model Based Space Systems and Software Engineering (MBSE2021), 29-30 September 2021.
Jinzhi Lu, Junda Ma, Xiaochen Zheng, Guoxin Wang, Han Li, and Dimitris Kiritsis, "Design Ontology Supporting Model-Based Systems Engineering Formalisms", IEEE Systems Journal
Yuan Zheng, Seppo Törmä, Olli Seppänen "A shared ontology suite for digital construction workflow", Automation in Construction, 132, December 2021, 103930
Byeong-Min Roh, Soundar R. T. Kumara, Paul Witherell & Timothy W. Simpson, "Ontology-based Process Map for Metal Additive Manufacturing", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2021),
Farhad Ameri, Dusan Sormaz, Foivos Psarommatis & Dimitris Kiritsis, "Industrial ontologies for interoperability in agile and resilient manufacturing", International Journal of Production Research, (2021): DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2021.1987553
Justine Flore Tchouanguem, Mohamed Hedi Karray, Bernard Kamsu Foguem, Camille Magniont, F. Henry Abanda, Barry Smith, "BFO-based ontology enhancement to promote interoperability in BIM", Applied Ontology, 16(4), October 2021,
Frédéric Demoly, Martin L.Dunn, Kristin L.Woo, H.Jerry Qi, Jean-Claude André, "The status, barriers, challenges, and future in design for 4D printing", Materials & Design, 212, 15 December 2021, 110193
Montero Jiménez, J.J., Vingerhoeds, R., Grabot, B. et al. "An ontology model for maintenance strategy selection and assessment", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2021).
Polenghi, A., Roda, I., Macchi, M., Pozzetti, A., & Panetto, H., "Knowledge reuse for ontology modelling in Maintenance and Industrial Asset Management", Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 100298, (2021)
Baptiste Darnala, Florence Amardeilh, Catherine Roussey and Clément Jonquet, “Crop Planning and Production Process Ontology (C3PO),” 2nd Integrated Food Ontology Workshop, CEUR 2969, 2021.
S. Stoyanov, J. Todorov, I. Stoyanov, V. Tabakova-Komsalova, L. Doukovska and A. Dukovski, "ZEMELA - An Intelligent Agriculture Platform", 2021 Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering (BdKCSE), 2021, 1-6, doi: 10.1109/BdKCSE53180.2021.9627248.
Caterina Pietra,Roberto De Lotto, Rakan Bahshwan, "Approaching Healthy City Ontology: First-Level Classes Definition Using BFO", Sustainability, 2021, 13(24), 13844.

Articles: 2022

Abdelhadi Belfade, Jannik Laval, Chantal Bonner Cherifi & Nejib Moalla, "[Requirements engineering and enterprise architecture-based software discovery and reuse]", Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 8 January 2022.
Caitlin Woods, Matt Selway, Tyler Bikaun, Markus Stumptner, Melinda Hodkiewicz, "An ontology for maintenance activities and its application to data quality", Semantic Web, 2022.
Farhad Ameri, Evan Wallace, Reid Yoder, Frank Riddick, "Enabling Traceability in AgriFood Supply Chains Using an Ontological Approach", Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, October 2022, 22(5): 051002.
B Kruse, T Hagedorn, MA Bone, M Blackburn, "Collaborative Management of Research Projects in SysML", Recent Trends and Advances in Model Based Systems Engineering, Springer, 2022
Christopher Ritter, Jeren Browning, Lee Nelson, Tammie Borders, John Bumgardner, Mitchell Kerman, "Digital Engineering Ecosystem for Future Nuclear Power Plants: Innovation of Ontologies, Tools, and Data Exchange", Recent Trends and Advances in Model Based Systems Engineering, Springer, 2022, 15–24.
Bernd Bayerlein, et al. "A Perspective on Digital Knowledge Representation in Materials Science and Engineering", Advanced Engineering Materials, 2022, 2101176.
Gökan Maya, Sangje Cho, Ana Teresa Correia, Rebecca Siafaka, Dragan Stokic, Dimitris Kiritsis, "Toward a reference terminology for product-service systems in the manufacturing domain", Computers in Industry, 142 (2022) 103729.
Daniel Dunbar, Thomas Hagedorn, Mark Blackburn, John Dzielski, Steven Hespelt, Benjamin Kruse, Dinesh Verma, Zhongyuan Yu, "Driving Digital Engineering Integration and Interoperability Through Semantic Integration of Models with Ontologies", June 2022.
Yuan Zhenga, Seppo Törmäb, Olli Seppänena, "A shared ontology suite for digital construction workflow", Automation in Construction, Volume 132, December 2021, 103930.

Articles: 2023

Articles: 2024

Fatigue Test Ontology (FTO)

Cognitive Digital Twin (CDT) ontology framework

Maintenance Motion State Sequence Ontology (MMSSO)

Printing Information Modelling Ontology (PIM-O)

Industry 4.0 Field Device (I40FD) ontology

NIMS Polymer Database (PoLyInfo) Ontology

Comparative Studies

Felix Ocker, Christiaan J. J. Paredis, Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Applying knowledge bases to make factories smarter, Automatisierungstechnik, 2019; 67(6): 504–517.
Yue Cao, Yusheng Liu, Xiaoping Ye, Jianjun Zhao, An Automated Approach for Execution Sequence-Driven Software and Physical Co-Design of Mechatronic Systems Based on Hybrid Functional Ontology, Computer-Aided Design, Available online 23 September 2020.


Common Core Ontologies
Industrial Ontologies Foundry
Neil Otte, Ron Rudnicki, and Barry Smith, Coordinated Holistic Alignment of Manufacturing Processes (CHAMP) Final Report, Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII), January 2018.
Neil Otte, Rahul Rai, Clare Paul & Barry Smith, Wind Turbine Analysis, Final Report, Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII), May 2018.


Thomas Hagedorn, Supporting Engineering Design of Additively Manufactured Medical Devices with Knowledge Management Through Ontologies, Dissertation University of Massachusetts Amherst, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, February 2018.
Damiano Nunzio Arena, Towards Semantics-Driven Modelling and Simulation of Context-Aware Manufacturing Systems, Dissertation, EPFL – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, School of Engineering, June 2019.
John J. Quartuccio, Identification of Behavior Patterns in Systems-of-Systems Architectures, Dissertation, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, March 2020.
Arkopaul Sarkar, Semantic Agent Based Process Planning for Distributed Cloud Manufacturing, Dissertation, Ohio University, Russ College of Engineering and Technology, May 2020.
Mohammad Abdelghani, Towards a Generalized Value Stream Mapping and Domain Ontology to Support the Enabling of Industry 4.0 in Construction, Dissertation, University of Alberta, 2021.
Luan Fonseca Garcia, GeoCore Ontology: A Core Ontology for Geological Knowledge Description, Dissertation, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2021.
David Dunbar, Methodological Guidance for Engineering Knowledge Representation Using Semantic Web Technologies, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2021.
J. J. Montero-Jiménez, R. Vingerhoeds and B. Grabot, "Enhancing predictive maintenance architecture process by using ontology-enabled Case-Based Reasoning," 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ISSE51541.2021.9582535.
Martijn Nico Roelofs, "A Graph-Based, Probabilistic Framework for Novel Aerospace Technology Evaluation and Selection", Department of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, November 29, 2021.