Immunology Ontology

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What: Lecture and practical session on Immunology Ontology

When: Tuesday June 11

Where: Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science and Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA on June 10-14, 2013.


8:00 Breakfast

8:30-10:00am Lecture

1. Introduction to ontology

what is an ontology, how is it different from a controlled vocabulary, a computerized lexicon, and a data dictionary?

2. Overview of ontologies with content relevant to immunology

The Protein Ontology (PRO) The Gene Ontology (GO) The Cell Ontology (CL) The Immune Epitope Ontology (ONTIE) The Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO)

3. How are ontologies used?

for data annotation à la GO and GMODs
in defining data standards
example: ImmPort
to support data analysis
example: GO enrichment of microarray data
to support text mining and NLP, document retrieval
example: GOPubMed
to integrate heterogeneous data types / heterogeneous research communities
example: the OBO Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies) Foundry


Hands-on example of building a small ontology

Practical Session

Background Reading:

The above forms part of the Summer School for Quantitative Systems Immunology.