MatOnto Ontology Meetings

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University at Buffalo, April 3-5, 2017

Guest Participants

Clare Paul, Materials and Ontology Engineer, Air Force Research Lab, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio
Hedi Karray, Production Engineering Laboratory, ENIT, Toulouse, France
Stephen Kahmann, Inovex Information Systems
Jordan Lewis, Inovex Information Systems

Note on 'MatOnto': The current MatOnto site hosts the Inovex semantic web software, which is in process of being rebranded as 'Mobi'.


Monday 9am-noon: Park 141

Review of the open (= not legally encumbered) portions of the Materials, Manufacturing, and Design (MMD) vocabulary
Structure of the MMD vocabulary
Use of MMD in creating Aristotelian definitions.

Monday 1pm-4pm: Park 142

Review of Categories (against the background of the BFO distinction between universals and defined classes)

By close of Monday session: determination of the scope of MatOnto.

Tuesday 10am-noon: Park 141

Review of legacy ontologies in the public domain that might serve as inputs to MatOnto
Tom Hagedorn (Center for eDesign, UMass Amherst):
Center for eDesign General Overview
Additive Manufacturing Ontologies
A Semantic Knowledge Management System for Laminated Composites Ontology
Clare Paul (AFRL)
Materials Property Ontology (moving towards alignment with BFO)
QUDT (version 2.0) (under Information Artifact Ontology)
Semantic Materials, Manufacturing, and Design (includes modified QUDT)
Hedi Karray (Toulouse, ENIT)
Ontology of Materials
Information Commons for Material Science
Material Ontology
Ontorule Steel (Diaz, Polo)
Ruoyu Yang (UB Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
Functionally Graded Materials (Buffalo) Paper on original version Paper on enhanced ontology Enhanced ontology in OWL
TBD (and subject to time available)
Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI)
CEN SERES and ELSSI-EMD Workshop Output
CheEBI (already aligned with BFO)
Dumontier Chemistry
Dumontier Physics
Dumontier Periodic Elements

Tuesday noon-5pm: Jeannette Martin Room, 5th Floor, Capen Hall (please bring lunch)

This session will be a heavy-duty working session involving multiple screens.

Screen 1: BFO open in an ontology editor
Screen 2: candidate domain ontology MatOnto input in another and project that onto a 2nd screen beside the BFO projection. We will feature in particular the SLACKS Semantic Knowledge Management System for Laminated Composites, which will be presented by Ian Grosse (UMass Amherst)
Screen 3: project information about the domain ontology onto a 3rd screen;

-- Annotate the classes and properties of the domain ontology to identify where the domain ontology entities would seem to align with BFO (first iteration). -- Annotate the classes and properties of the domain ontology with the initial set of "portion of material" categories -- Assess the domain ontology hierarchy from a mono-hierarchy perspective -- Remain in-session until Wed at 11:00 am, have lunch, organize and consolidate all material, discuss next steps (rather than Tue?)

Wednesday 9am-noon Park 141: Conclusion

At the conclusion of activity on Wed afternoon, we should have -- at least one location known to all where open MMD definitions for can be sourced -- an organized set of public domain information about each of the domain ontologies (location, description, articles, general initial assessment) -- a starting point for aligning the domain ontologies with the BFO (via class and property annotation of domain ontologies) -- some level of understanding about the correctness of any hierarchies; and as a result, a starting point for reengineering the hierarchy


Industry Ontologies Foundry (IOF)

DMDII CHAMP initiative