Introduction to Protégé
DATE: Saturday and Sunday, August 11-12, 2012.
VENUE for FACE-TO-FACE PARTICIPATION: Room14A, Basement, Baldy Hall, University at Buffalo North Campus.
FACULTY: Ron Rudnicki (CUBRC, Buffalo), Alan Ruttenberg (University at Buffalo), Barry Smith (University at Buffalo)
This course is for absolute beginners in ontology. It provides an introduction to the Protégé 4.2 ontology editor, details of which can be found here.
It will begin with a brief introduction to ontology building, and to the use and importance of ontologies, with examples from medicine and defense. This will be followed by an introduction to the Web Ontology Language (OWL). The bulk of the course will consist of an interactive introduction to the use of Protégé in building an ontology. No background in the use of computer languages and programming is presupposed. All sessions will be highly interactive.
A detailed schedule and expanded course description are provided here.